Networked Media Open Specifications

Deploying Locally

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Please ensure that the following dependencies are installed on your system first.

Installation Method

The following instructions will need to be carried out at the command line. This will require either a terminal application on Linux, or the ‘Command Prompt’ application on Windows. On some more modern installations, ‘pip3’ and ‘python3’ will be unavailable. In these cases, it should be possible to replace these commands with ‘pip’ and ‘python’ respectively.

Ensure pip3 is installed and up to date.

pip3 install --upgrade pip

Download a copy of the testing tool and unzip it to a local directory:

From the directory containing the testing tool, install the dependencies.

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Start the service as follows:


This tool provides a simple web service which is available on http://localhost:5000.

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