←Workers · Index↑ · Constraints→
The framework contains core classes and datatypes. Where the functionality of a device uses control classes and datatypes listed in this specification it MUST comply with the model definitions published.
- Primitives
- NcClassId
- NcDatatypeType
- NcDescriptor
- NcDeviceGenericState
- NcDeviceOperationalState
- NcElementId
- NcId
- NcManufacturer
- NcMethodResult
- NcMethodStatus
- NcName
- NcOid
- NcOrganizationId
- NcParameterConstraints
- NcProduct
- NcPropertyChangedEventData
- NcPropertyChangeType
- NcPropertyConstraints
- NcRegex
- NcResetCause
- NcRolePath
- NcTimeInterval
- NcTouchpoint
- NcTouchpointResource
- NcUri
- NcUuid
- NcVersionCode
Control classes
Control class models are documented using WebIDL interfaces.
Every control class definition is prefixed by the [control-class(...)]
extended attribute.
control-class(classId, staticRole)
is the class ID expressed as a string of the formi(1).i(2).i(N)
is the static role all instances of this class must use. This is applicable only to singleton classes like managers and is omitted for other control classes
Every property, method, or event declaration of every control class is prefixed by the [element(.,..)]
where elementId is a delimited string of the form nTm
, where
is the definition level of the class in the control model inheritance treeT
is the elementId type key (p, m or e).m
is the ordinal of the definition within the class
Every property, method or event MUST be uniquely identified in a control class using element ids. The level
inside an element id MUST match the inheritance level of the class which defines that element. Inheritance levels can be calculated by taking the classId of a class and counting the indexes after removing all authority keys.
![]() |
Inheritance levels |
The [event]
extended attribute is added to identify events within class definitions.
Readonly properties are signaled using the readonly
Nullable types are signaled using the ?
marker at the end of the type name.
NcObject is the abstract base class for all classes in the control model.
Further explanations and normative references are provided in the NcObject section.
// NcObject class descriptor
[control-class("1")] interface NcObject {
[element("1p1")] readonly attribute NcClassId classId; // Static value. All instances of the same class will have the same class id value
[element("1p2")] readonly attribute NcOid oid; // Object identifier
[element("1p3")] readonly attribute NcBoolean constantOid; // TRUE iff OID is hardwired into device
[element("1p4")] readonly attribute NcOid? owner; // OID of containing block. Can only ever be null for the root block
[element("1p5")] readonly attribute NcString role; // Role of object in the containing block
[element("1p6")] attribute NcString? userLabel; // Scribble strip
[element("1p7")] readonly attribute sequence<NcTouchpoint>? touchpoints; // Touchpoints to other contexts
[element("1p8")] readonly attribute sequence<NcPropertyConstraints>? runtimePropertyConstraints; // Runtime property constraints
// Get property value
[element("1m1")] NcMethodResultPropertyValue Get(
NcPropertyId id // Property id
// Set property value
[element("1m2")] NcMethodResult Set(
NcPropertyId id, // Property id
any? value // Property value
// Get sequence item
[element("1m3")] NcMethodResultPropertyValue GetSequenceItem(
NcPropertyId id, // Property id
NcId index // Index of item in the sequence
// Set sequence item value
[element("1m4")] NcMethodResult SetSequenceItem(
NcPropertyId id, // Property id
NcId index, // Index of item in the sequence
any? value // Value
// Add item to sequence
[element("1m5")] NcMethodResultId AddSequenceItem(
NcPropertyId id, // Property id
any? value // Value
// Delete sequence item
[element("1m6")] NcMethodResult RemoveSequenceItem(
NcPropertyId id, // Property id
NcId index // Index of item in the sequence
// Get sequence length
[element("1m7")] NcMethodResultLength GetSequenceLength(
NcPropertyId id // Property id
[element("1e1")] [event] void PropertyChanged(NcPropertyChangedEventData PropertyChanged); // Property changed event
NcBlock is a control class which groups and organises other control classes as its members.
Members are identified by oid and role. An object in a hierarchy of nested blocks can be identified by its role path.
A member’s role path is a sequence of role values starting with the root block’s role and ending with the member’s role.
Further explanations are provided in a dedicated Blocks section.
// NcBlock class descriptor
[control-class("1.1")] interface NcBlock: NcObject {
[element("2p1")] readonly attribute NcBoolean enabled; // TRUE if block is functional
[element("2p2")] readonly attribute sequence<NcBlockMemberDescriptor> members; // Descriptors of this block's members
// Gets descriptors of members of the block
[element("2m1")] NcMethodResultBlockMemberDescriptors GetMemberDescriptors(
NcBoolean recurse // If recurse is set to true, nested members can be retrieved
// Finds member(s) by path
[element("2m2")] NcMethodResultBlockMemberDescriptors FindMembersByPath(
NcRolePath path // Relative path to search for (MUST not include the role of the block targeted by oid)
// Finds members with given role name or fragment
[element("2m3")] NcMethodResultBlockMemberDescriptors FindMembersByRole(
NcString role, // Role text to search for
NcBoolean caseSensitive, // Signals if the comparison should be case sensitive
NcBoolean matchWholeString, // TRUE to only return exact matches
NcBoolean recurse // TRUE to search nested blocks
// Finds members with given class id
[element("2m4")] NcMethodResultBlockMemberDescriptors FindMembersByClassId(
NcClassId classId, // Class id to search for
NcBoolean includeDerived, // If TRUE it will also include derived class descriptors
NcBoolean recurse // TRUE to search nested blocks
Further explanations and normative references are provided in the Workers section.
NcWorker is the base class for any worker control class in the control model.
// NcWorker class descriptor
[control-class("1.2")] interface NcWorker: NcObject {
[element("2p1")] attribute NcBoolean enabled; // TRUE iff worker is enabled
Further explanations are provided in a dedicated Managers section.
NcManager is the base abstract manager control class for any manager control class in the control model. Manager control classes are singleton classes. Non-standard managers created to model vendor specific functionality MUST be directly or indirectly derived from this control class.
// NcManager class descriptor
[control-class("1.3")] interface NcManager: NcObject {
NcDeviceManager is the device manager control class which contains device information and status.
// NcDeviceManager class descriptor
[control-class("1.3.1", "DeviceManager")] interface NcDeviceManager: NcManager {
[element("3p1")] readonly attribute NcVersionCode ncVersion; // Version of MS-05-02 that this device uses
[element("3p2")] readonly attribute NcManufacturer manufacturer; // Manufacturer descriptor
[element("3p3")] readonly attribute NcProduct product; // Product descriptor
[element("3p4")] readonly attribute NcString serialNumber; // Serial number
[element("3p5")] attribute NcString? userInventoryCode; // Asset tracking identifier (user specified)
[element("3p6")] attribute NcString? deviceName; // Name of this device in the application. Instance name, not product name.
[element("3p7")] attribute NcString? deviceRole; // Role of this device in the application.
[element("3p8")] readonly attribute NcDeviceOperationalState operationalState; // Device operational state
[element("3p9")] readonly attribute NcResetCause resetCause; // Reason for most recent reset
[element("3p10")] readonly attribute NcString? message; // Arbitrary message from dev to controller
NcClassManager is the class manager control class.
// NcClassManager class descriptor
[control-class("1.3.2", "ClassManager")] interface NcClassManager: NcManager {
[element("3p1")] readonly attribute sequence<NcClassDescriptor> controlClasses; // Descriptions of all control classes in the device (descriptors do not contain inherited elements)
[element("3p2")] readonly attribute sequence<NcDatatypeDescriptor> datatypes; // Descriptions of all data types in the device (descriptors do not contain inherited elements)
// Get a single class descriptor
[element("3m1")] NcMethodResultClassDescriptor GetControlClass(
NcClassId classId, // class ID
NcBoolean includeInherited // If set the descriptor would contain all inherited elements
// Get a single datatype descriptor
[element("3m2")] NcMethodResultDatatypeDescriptor GetDatatype(
NcName name, // name of datatype
NcBoolean includeInherited // If set the descriptor would contain all inherited elements
Datatype models are documented using WebIDL fragments.
The [primitive]
extended attribute identifies primitive datatypes.
The typedef
attribute identifies typedef datatypes if they do not also have the [primitive]
extended attribute.
Struct datatypes are documented using WebIDL interfaces.
The enum
attribute identifies enum datatypes.
NcDatatypeType contains all the possible types of datatype.
[primitive] typedef boolean NcBoolean;
[primitive] typedef short NcInt16;
[primitive] typedef long NcInt32;
[primitive] typedef longlong NcInt64;
[primitive] typedef unsignedshort NcUint16;
[primitive] typedef unsignedlong NcUint32;
[primitive] typedef unsignedlonglong NcUint64;
[primitive] typedef unrestrictedfloat NcFloat32;
[primitive] typedef unrestricteddouble NcFloat64;
[primitive] typedef bytestring NcString; // UTF-8
NcClassId is a sequence of NcInt32 class id fields. A class id sequence reflects the ancestry of the class being identified.
A class id field is either a definition index or an authority key.
A definition index is an ordinal that starts at 1 for every inheritance level of the control model class tree for example [ 1, 1, 3, 5]
The class id for all standard control classes defined by the framework MUST not contain authority keys.
Non-standard control classes MUST contain at least one authority key.
An authority key is inserted in the class id sequence immediately after the definition index of the class from which a non-standard class inherits, i.e. at the point where the derived class or class subtree connects into the class structure.
For organizations which own a unique CID or OUI the authority key MUST be the organization identifier as an integer which MUST be negated.
For organizations which do not own a unique CID or OUI the authority key MUST be 0.
[ 1, 1, 3, 5, -132131, 1, 4, 5 ]
[ 1, 1, 3, 5, 0, 1, 4, 5 ]
Further information and examples provided in MS-05-01: Appendix A.
typedef sequence<NcInt32> NcClassId; // Sequence of class ID fields.
// Datatype type
enum NcDatatypeType {
"Primitive", // 0 Primitive datatype
"Typedef", // 1 Simple alias of another datatype
"Struct", // 2 Data structure
"Enum" // 3 Enum datatype
// Base descriptor
interface NcDescriptor {
attribute NcString? description; // Optional user facing description
// Descriptor which is specific to a block member
interface NcBlockMemberDescriptor: NcDescriptor {
attribute NcString role; // Role of member in its containing block
attribute NcOid oid; // OID of member
attribute NcBoolean constantOid; // TRUE iff member's OID is hardwired into device
attribute NcClassId classId; // Class ID
attribute NcString? userLabel; // User label
attribute NcOid owner; // Containing block's OID
// Descriptor of a class
interface NcClassDescriptor: NcDescriptor {
attribute NcClassId classId; // Identity of the class
attribute NcName name; // Name of the class
attribute NcString? fixedRole; // Role if the class has fixed role (manager classes)
attribute sequence<NcPropertyDescriptor> properties; // Property descriptors
attribute sequence<NcMethodDescriptor> methods; // Method descriptors
attribute sequence<NcEventDescriptor> events; // Event descriptors
// Base datatype descriptor
interface NcDatatypeDescriptor: NcDescriptor {
attribute NcName name; // Datatype name
attribute NcDatatypeType type; // Type: Primitive, Typedef, Struct, Enum
attribute NcParameterConstraints? constraints; // Optional constraints on top of the underlying data type
// Enum datatype descriptor
interface NcDatatypeDescriptorEnum: NcDatatypeDescriptor {
attribute sequence<NcEnumItemDescriptor> items; // One item descriptor per enum option
The type
attribute will be Enum
// Primitive datatype descriptor
interface NcDatatypeDescriptorPrimitive: NcDatatypeDescriptor {
The type
attribute will be Primitive
// Struct datatype descriptor
interface NcDatatypeDescriptorStruct: NcDatatypeDescriptor {
attribute sequence<NcFieldDescriptor> fields; // One item descriptor per field of the struct
attribute NcName? parentType; // Name of the parent type if any or null if it has no parent
The type
attribute will be Struct
// Type def datatype descriptor
interface NcDatatypeDescriptorTypeDef: NcDatatypeDescriptor {
attribute NcName parentType; // Original typedef datatype name
attribute NcBoolean isSequence; // TRUE iff type is a typedef sequence of another type
The type
attribute will be Typedef
// Descriptor of an enum item
interface NcEnumItemDescriptor: NcDescriptor {
attribute NcName name; // Name of option
attribute NcUint16 value; // Enum item numerical value
// Descriptor of a class event
interface NcEventDescriptor: NcDescriptor {
attribute NcEventId id; // Event id with level and index
attribute NcName name; // Name of event
attribute NcName eventDatatype; // Name of event data's datatype
attribute NcBoolean isDeprecated; // TRUE iff property is marked as deprecated
// Descriptor of a field of a struct
interface NcFieldDescriptor: NcDescriptor {
attribute NcName name; // Name of field
attribute NcName? typeName; // Name of field's datatype. Can only ever be null if the type is any
attribute NcBoolean isNullable; // TRUE iff field is nullable
attribute NcBoolean isSequence; // TRUE iff field is a sequence
attribute NcParameterConstraints? constraints; // Optional constraints on top of the underlying data type
// Descriptor of a class method
interface NcMethodDescriptor: NcDescriptor {
attribute NcMethodId id; // Method id with level and index
attribute NcName name; // Name of method
attribute NcName resultDatatype; // Name of method result's datatype
attribute sequence<NcParameterDescriptor> parameters; // Parameter descriptors if any
attribute NcBoolean isDeprecated; // TRUE iff property is marked as deprecated
// Descriptor of a method parameter
interface NcParameterDescriptor: NcDescriptor {
attribute NcName name; // Name of parameter
attribute NcName? typeName; // Name of parameter's datatype. Can only ever be null if the type is any
attribute NcBoolean isNullable; // TRUE iff property is nullable
attribute NcBoolean isSequence; // TRUE iff property is a sequence
attribute NcParameterConstraints? constraints; // Optional constraints on top of the underlying data type
// Descriptor of a class property
interface NcPropertyDescriptor: NcDescriptor {
attribute NcPropertyId id; // Property id with level and index
attribute NcName name; // Name of property
attribute NcName? typeName; // Name of property's datatype. Can only ever be null if the type is any
attribute NcBoolean isReadOnly; // TRUE iff property is read-only
attribute NcBoolean isNullable; // TRUE iff property is nullable
attribute NcBoolean isSequence; // TRUE iff property is a sequence
attribute NcBoolean isDeprecated; // TRUE iff property is marked as deprecated
attribute NcParameterConstraints? constraints; // Optional constraints on top of the underlying data type
// Device generic operational state
enum NcDeviceGenericState {
"Unknown", // 0 Unknown
"NormalOperation", // 1 Normal operation
"Initializing", // 2 Device is initializing
"Updating", // 3 Device is performing a software or firmware update
"LicensingError", // 4 Device is experiencing a licensing error
"InternalError" // 5 Device is experiencing an internal error
// Device operational state
interface NcDeviceOperationalState {
attribute NcDeviceGenericState generic; // Generic operational state
attribute NcString? deviceSpecificDetails; // Specific device details
// Class element id which contains the level and index
interface NcElementId {
attribute NcUint16 level; // Level of the element
attribute NcUint16 index; // Index of the element
// Event id which contains the level and index
interface NcEventId: NcElementId {
// Method id which contains the level and index
interface NcMethodId: NcElementId {
// Property id which contains the level and index
interface NcPropertyId: NcElementId {
typedef NcUint32 NcId; // Identity handler
// Manufacturer descriptor
interface NcManufacturer {
attribute NcString name; // Manufacturer's name
attribute NcOrganizationId? organizationId; // IEEE OUI or CID of manufacturer
attribute NcUri? website; // URL of the manufacturer's website
All methods MUST return a datatype which inherits from NcMethodResult.
When a method call encounters an error the return MUST be NcMethodResultError or a derived datatype.
Devices MUST use the exact status code from NcMethodStatus when errors are encountered for the following scenarios: PropertyDeprecated, MethodDeprecated, IndexOutOfBounds, MethodNotImplemented, PropertyNotImplemented, BadOid, Readonly.
// Base result of the invoked method
interface NcMethodResult {
attribute NcMethodStatus status; // Status for the invoked method
// Method result containing block member descriptors as the value
interface NcMethodResultBlockMemberDescriptors: NcMethodResult {
attribute sequence<NcBlockMemberDescriptor> value; // Block member descriptors method result value
// Method result containing a class descriptor as the value
interface NcMethodResultClassDescriptor: NcMethodResult {
attribute NcClassDescriptor value; // Class descriptor method result value
// Method result containing a datatype descriptor as the value
interface NcMethodResultDatatypeDescriptor: NcMethodResult {
attribute NcDatatypeDescriptor value; // Datatype descriptor method result value
// Error result - to be used when the method call encounters an error
interface NcMethodResultError: NcMethodResult {
attribute NcString errorMessage; // Error message
// Id method result
interface NcMethodResultId: NcMethodResult {
attribute NcId value; // Id result value
// Length method result
interface NcMethodResultLength: NcMethodResult {
attribute NcUint32? value; // Sequence length result value. MUST be null if the sequence is null
NcMethodResultPropertyValue can hold any value type depending on the underlying property type.
// Result when invoking the getter method associated with a property
interface NcMethodResultPropertyValue: NcMethodResult {
attribute any? value; // Getter method value for the associated property
// Method invokation status
enum NcMethodStatus {
"Ok", // 200 Method call was successful
"PropertyDeprecated", // 298 Method call was successful but targeted property is deprecated
"MethodDeprecated", // 299 Method call was successful but method is deprecated
"BadCommandFormat", // 400 Badly-formed command (e.g. the incoming command has invalid message encoding and cannot be parsed by the underlying protocol)
"Unauthorized", // 401 Client is not authorized
"BadOid", // 404 Command addresses a nonexistent object
"Readonly", // 405 Attempt to change read-only state
"InvalidRequest", // 406 Method call is invalid in current operating context (e.g. attempting to invoke a method when the object is disabled)
"Conflict", // 409 There is a conflict with the current state of the device
"BufferOverflow", // 413 Something was too big
"IndexOutOfBounds", // 414 Index is outside the available range
"ParameterError", // 417 Method parameter does not meet expectations (e.g. attempting to invoke a method with an invalid type for one of its parameters)
"Locked", // 423 Addressed object is locked
"DeviceError", // 500 Internal device error
"MethodNotImplemented", // 501 Addressed method is not implemented by the addressed object
"PropertyNotImplemented", // 502 Addressed property is not implemented by the addressed object
"NotReady", // 503 The device is not ready to handle any commands
"Timeout" // 504 Method call did not finish within the allotted time
typedef NcString NcName; // Programmatically significant name, alphanumerics + underscore, no spaces
typedef NcUint32 NcOid; // Object id
Unique 24-bit organization id:
- IEEE public Company ID (public CID) or
- IEEE Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI).
typedef NcInt32 NcOrganizationId; // Unique 24-bit organization id
// Abstract parameter constraints class
interface NcParameterConstraints {
attribute any? defaultValue; // Default value
// Number parameter constraints class
interface NcParameterConstraintsNumber: NcParameterConstraints {
attribute any? maximum; // Optional maximum
attribute any? minimum; // Optional minimum
attribute any? step; // Optional step
// String parameter constraints class
interface NcParameterConstraintsString: NcParameterConstraints {
attribute NcUint32? maxCharacters; // Maximum characters allowed
attribute NcRegex? pattern; // Regex pattern
// Product descriptor
interface NcProduct {
attribute NcString name; // Product name
attribute NcString key; // Manufacturer's unique key to product - model number, SKU, etc
attribute NcString revisionLevel; // Manufacturer's product revision level code
attribute NcString? brandName; // Brand name under which product is sold
attribute NcUuid? uuid; // Unique UUID of product (not product instance)
attribute NcString? description; // Text description of product
// Payload of property-changed event
interface NcPropertyChangedEventData {
attribute NcPropertyId propertyId; // The id of the property that changed
attribute NcPropertyChangeType changeType; // Information regarding the change type
attribute any? value; // Property-type specific value
attribute NcId? sequenceItemIndex; // Index of sequence item if the property is a sequence
// Type of property change
enum NcPropertyChangeType {
"ValueChanged", // 0 Current value changed
"SequenceItemAdded", // 1 Sequence item added
"SequenceItemChanged", // 2 Sequence item changed
"SequenceItemRemoved" // 3 Sequence item removed
// Property constraints class
interface NcPropertyConstraints {
attribute NcPropertyId propertyId; // The id of the property being constrained
attribute any? defaultValue; // Optional default value
// Number property constraints class
interface NcPropertyConstraintsNumber: NcPropertyConstraints {
attribute any? maximum; // Optional maximum
attribute any? minimum; // Optional minimum
attribute any? step; // Optional step
// String property constraints class
interface NcPropertyConstraintsString: NcPropertyConstraints {
attribute NcUint32? maxCharacters; // Maximum characters allowed
attribute NcRegex? pattern; // Regex pattern
typedef NcString NcRegex; // Regex pattern
// Reset cause enum
enum NcResetCause {
"Unknown", // 0 Unknown
"PowerOn", // 1 Power on
"InternalError", // 2 Internal error
"Upgrade", // 3 Upgrade
"ControllerRequest", // 4 Controller request
"ManualReset" // 5 Manual request from the front panel
Ordered list of roles ending with the role of object in question.
The object in question may be a block or another object.
typedef sequence<NcString> NcRolePath; // Role path
typedef NcInt64 NcTimeInterval; // Time interval described in nanoseconds
This model is used by the NcObject class for identity mapping to other contexts.
// Base touchpoint class
interface NcTouchpoint {
attribute NcString contextNamespace; // Context namespace
// Touchpoint class for NMOS resources
interface NcTouchpointNmos: NcTouchpoint {
attribute NcTouchpointResourceNmos resource; // Context NMOS resource
The contextNamespace
attribute is inherited from NcTouchpoint and can only be x-nmos
// Touchpoint class for NMOS IS-08 resources
interface NcTouchpointNmosChannelMapping: NcTouchpoint {
attribute NcTouchpointResourceNmosChannelMapping resource; // Context Channel Mapping resource
The contextNamespace
attribute is inherited from NcTouchpoint and can only be x-nmos/channelmapping
// Touchpoint resource class
interface NcTouchpointResource {
attribute NcString resourceType; // The type of the resource
// Touchpoint resource class for NMOS resources
interface NcTouchpointResourceNmos: NcTouchpointResource {
attribute NcUuid id; // NMOS resource UUID
The resourceType
attribute is inherited from NcTouchpointResource and can only be: node, device, source, flow, sender, receiver
// Touchpoint resource class for NMOS resources
interface NcTouchpointResourceNmosChannelMapping: NcTouchpointResourceNmos {
attribute NcString ioId; // IS-08 Audio Channel Mapping input or output id
The resourceType
attribute is inherited from NcTouchpointResource and can only be: input, output
typedef NcString NcUri; // Uniform resource identifier
typedef NcString NcUuid; // UUID
Version code in semantic versioning format described as “vMajor.Minor.Patch” for example “v1.0.0”.
typedef NcString NcVersionCode; // Version code in semantic versioning format