

List of modes available from this API - single and bulk. Both are compulsory parts of the spec.

Bulk control interface


Senders / receivers options

Target for bulk staging of transport parameters.


Allows staging and activation of multiple sender parameters at the same time in a single request.

Target for bulk uploads of transport parameters.


Allows staging and activation of a subset of multiple receiver parameters at the same time in a single request.

Single control interface


Sender root


List all the API endpoints for a single sender.


Lists the constraints for each transport parameter (e.g max/min value, enumerated values etc.) using a very limited subset of JSON schema. Every transport parameter in the staged resource must be represented here. Any minimum/maximum constraints listed here must not allow a wider range of values than those allowed by the core schema. Any enum defined on this endpoint must only contain a subset of the values allowed for that parameter in the core schema. Similarly, pattern constraints must only narrow the allowed values. If the sender does not constrain parameters beyond what is specified in the core schema then the constraints in the core schema should not be duplicated on this endpoint. Where an "auto" mode is allowed in the core schema this mode must always be supported by the sender if the parameter is exposed. If SMPTE 2022-7 is in use, two entries are in the outer array of the resource. The first entry is the constraints for the primary leg. If SMPTE 2022-7 is not in use only one entry should be present in the outer array.


Get staged sender transport parameters object. In SMPTE 2022-7 operation element 0 of the transport_params array shall be the parameters applied to the primary leg, and element 1 the secondary leg. There shall only be one element present in transport_params when SMPTE 2022-7 is not in use. When the master_enable parameter is false the RTP sender should stop transmitting media and the /transportfile endpoint should return an HTTP 404 response.


Update staged parameters for sender. Note that for activations the mode parameter will return to null once the activation transaction with the client is completed (i.e the response to the PATCH has been sent by the server). In SMPTE 2022-7 operation element 0 of the transport_params array shall be the parameters applied to the primary leg, and element 1 the secondary leg. There shall only be one element present in transport_params when SMPTE 2022-7 is not in use.


Get active sender parameters. On activation all instances of "auto" must be resolved into the actual values that will be used by the sender, unless there is an error condition. For example if a sender has the destination_ip parameter set to auto in /staged then destination_ip in /active should show the multicast IP chosen by the sender. The parameter will remain set to auto in staged, and may be resolved to a different value on each subsequent activation. In cases, such as destination_ip, where the parameter changing unexpectedly at activation through re-resolution may be undesirable, care should be taken in implementation to manage this. If there is an error condition that means auto cannot be resolved, the active transport parameters must not change, and the underlying sender must continue as before.


Redirects to the location of the sender's transport file or returns the transport file directly. Check HTTP response code to determine which mode of operation is in use. When returning the transport file directly ensure that the Content-Type entity header is correctly set.


List available receivers. All UUIDs are appended with / to indicate the ID forms part of the URL for the next layer down.


List API endpoints


Lists the constraints for each transport parameter (e.g max/min value, enumerated values etc.) using a very limited subset of JSON schema. Every transport parameter in the staged resource must be represented here. Any minimum/maximum constraints listed here must not allow a wider range of values than those allowed by the core schema. Any enum defined on this endpoint must only contain a subset of the values allowed for that parameter in the core schema. Similarly, pattern constraints must only narrow the allowed values. If the receiver does not constrain parameters beyond what is specified in the core schema then the constraints in the core schema should not be duplicated on this endpoint. Where an "auto" mode is allowed in the core schema this mode must always be supported by the receiver if the parameter is exposed. If SMPTE 2022-7 is in use, two entries are in the outer array of the resource. The first entry is the constraints for the primary leg. If SMPTE 2022-7 is not in use only one entry should be present in the outer array.


Get staged receiver transport parameters object. In SMPTE 2022-7 operation element 0 of the transport_params array shall be the parameters applied to the primary leg, and element 1 the secondary leg. There shall only be one element present in transport_params when SMPTE 2022-7 is not in use.


Update staged parameters for receiver. Note that for activations the mode parameter will return to null once the activation transaction with the client is completed (i.e the response to the PATCH has been sent by the server). When a transport file is staged the parameters in that transport file should be propagated to their corresponding transport parameters and the response should show these updated values. On activation the value of the entries in transport_parameters must be used to program the receiver, not those in the transport file directly. However while the transport file is still present (i.e data is not null) media parameters in the transport file should be applied to the RTP receiver. Setting data to null has no impact on the transport_parameters array, or any other property. Where a transport file has been staged the transport parameters in the response will reflect the new values assigned to them by the transport file. The transport parameters should be updated from the transport file in data on every PATCH request that includes the data field. Even if the value of data in the request matches the value of data currently stored in the API the transport parameters are still re-populated. In the case where the transport file and transport parameters are updated in the same PATCH request transport parameters specified in the request object take precedence over those in the transport file. In SMPTE 2022-7 operation element 0 of the transport_params array shall be the parameters applied to the primary leg, and element 1 the secondary leg. There shall only be one element present in transport_params when SMPTE 2022-7 is not in use. When the master_enable parameter is false receivers should not process any incoming streams, and should unsubscribe from any multicast streams they are receiving. For RTP receivers the rtp_enabled parameter allows for the individual disabling of SMPTE 2022-7 legs.


Get active receiver parameters. On activation all instances of "auto" must be resolved into the actual values that will be used by the receiver, unless there is an error condition. For example if a receiver has the interface_ip parameter set to auto in /staged then interface_ip in /active should show the IP address of the interface chosen by the receiver. The parameter will remain set to auto in staged, and may be resolved to a different value on each subsequent activation. In cases, such as interface_ip, where the parameter changing unexpectedly at activation through re-resolution may be undesirable, care should be taken in implementation to manage this. If there is an error condition that means auto cannot be resolved, the active transport parameters must not change, and the underlying receiver must continue as before.