Networked Media Open Specifications

Behaviour: Querying

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The Query API provides a read-only interface to the Nodes and their sub-resources which are currently held in the registry. Browsing of the Query API may be performed via the RESTful API, or by using the websocket protocol (RFC 6455) which is suggested for most applications.

Creating a Websocket subscription

In order to connect to a websocket, a client must first request a subscription of a particular type and with particular query parameters as defined in the Query API subscriptions documentation.

Websockets created for specific clients will be cleaned up automatically if they disconnect.

Connection upgrade procedures permitting an existing HTTP query to transition to a websocket are not currently supported, but may be in the future.

Query API Behaviour

Upon receiving a request for a new subscription, the Query API should identify whether it already has any websockets open which provide for the requested query. If a websocket exists, the ‘subscription’ object representing it may be returned to the user. If a relevant websocket does not exist a new one should be created.

In normal operation, once a websocket has no more clients subscribed to it the Query API may automatically remove it and its corresponding HTTP-advertised subscription object. The Query API MUST NOT acknowledge HTTP DELETE requests for websockets running in this ‘non-persistent’ mode, instead issuing an HTTP 403 response.

If a ‘persistent’ websocket has been requested by the client, this must not be cleaned up automatically by the Query API, even if all consuming clients have disconnected. The user may request closing of this socket by issuing an HTTP DELETE.

Websocket Protocol

Using data Grains, the websocket protocol provides a client with the current state of the contents of the registry at the time of subscription. It subsequently notifies clients of any changes.

Note that the Source ID used in the following examples references the Query API instance. The Flow ID then corresponds to the subscription ID created via the /subscriptions HTTP resource.

Each Grain may contain one or more objects in its ‘data’ array. Each object identifies a change to a single Source, Flow or other resource as identified by the ‘topic’.

A schema for the Grain metadata described below is available here.

Resource(s) Added Event

Event data containing only a “post” attribute signifies creation of a resource.

  "grain_type": "event",
  "source_id": <id_of_query_api_instance>,
  "flow_id": "e223e6f3-de75-4855-bd19-b83774e31689",
  "origin_timestamp": <ts_secs>:<ts_nsecs>,
  "sync_timestamp": <ts_secs>:<ts_nsecs>,
  "creation_timestamp": <ts_secs>:<ts_nsecs>,
  "rate": {
    "numerator": 0,
    "denominator": 1
  "duration": {
    "numerator": 0,
    "denominator": 1
  "grain": {
    "type": "urn:x-nmos:format:data.event",
    "topic": "/flows/",
    "data": [
        "path": "b58aae65-1913-4f7b-aae2-2377446dd639",
        "post": {
          "id": "b58aae65-1913-4f7b-aae2-2377446dd639",
          "label": "my_flow_name",
          "description": "my flow description",
          "source_id": "0e1b33f-6cfb-423e-b777-23efe0f539f4",
          "format": "urn:x-nmos:format:video"

Resource(s) Removed Event

Event data containing only a “pre” attribute signifies deletion of a resource.

  "grain_type": "event",
  "source_id": <id_of_query_service_instance>,
  "flow_id": "e223e6f3-de75-4855-bd19-b83774e31689",
  "origin_timestamp": <ts_secs>:<ts_nsecs>,
  "sync_timestamp": <ts_secs>:<ts_nsecs>,
  "creation_timestamp": <ts_secs>:<ts_nsecs>,
  "rate": {
    "numerator": 0,
    "denominator": 1
  "duration": {
    "numerator": 0,
    "denominator": 1
  "grain": {
    "type": "urn:x-nmos:format:data.event",
    "topic": "/flows/",
    "data": [
        "path": "b58aae65-1913-4f7b-aae2-2377446dd639",
        "pre": {
          "id": "b58aae65-1913-4f7b-aae2-2377446dd639",
          "label": "my_flow_name",
          "description": "my flow description",
          "source_id": "0e1b33f-6cfb-423e-b777-23efe0f539f4",
          "format": "urn:x-nmos:format:video"

Resource(s) Modified Event

Event data containing both “pre” and “post” attributes signifies modification of a resource. All attributes of the resource must be specified (i.e. not just those that have changed).

  "grain_type": "event",
  "source_id": <id_of_query_service_instance>,
  "flow_id": "e223e6f3-de75-4855-bd19-b83774e31689",
  "origin_timestamp": <ts_secs>:<ts_nsecs>,
  "sync_timestamp": <ts_secs>:<ts_nsecs>,
  "creation_timestamp": <ts_secs>:<ts_nsecs>,
  "rate": {
    "numerator": 0,
    "denominator": 1
  "duration": {
    "numerator": 0,
    "denominator": 1
  "grain": {
    "type": "urn:x-nmos:format:data.event",
    "topic": "/flows/",
    "data": [
        "path": "b58aae65-1913-4f7b-aae2-2377446dd639",
        "pre": {
          "id": "b58aae65-1913-4f7b-aae2-2377446dd639",
          "label": "my_flow_name",
          "description": "my flow description",
          "source_id": "0e1b33f-6cfb-423e-b777-23efe0f539f4",
          "format": "urn:x-nmos:format:video"
        "post": {
          "id": "b58aae65-1913-4f7b-aae2-2377446dd639",
          "label": "my_new_flow_name",
          "description": "my new flow description",
          "source_id": "0e1b33f-6cfb-423e-b777-23efe0f539f4",
          "format": "urn:x-nmos:format:video"

Resource(s) Unchanged (Sync) Event

Event data containing both “pre” and “post” where the contents of “pre” and “post” are identical. This is used in initial synchronisation messages to ensure the client has received all data for a given topic.

  "grain_type": "event",
  "source_id": <id_of_query_service_instance>,
  "flow_id": "e223e6f3-de75-4855-bd19-b83774e31689",
  "origin_timestamp": <ts_secs>:<ts_nsecs>,
  "sync_timestamp": <ts_secs>:<ts_nsecs>,
  "creation_timestamp": <ts_secs>:<ts_nsecs>,
  "rate": {
    "numerator": 0,
    "denominator": 1
  "duration": {
    "numerator": 0,
    "denominator": 1
  "grain": {
    "type": "urn:x-nmos:format:data.event",
    "topic": "/flows/",
    "data": [
        "path": "b58aae65-1913-4f7b-aae2-2377446dd639",
        "pre": {
          "id": "b58aae65-1913-4f7b-aae2-2377446dd639",
          "label": "my_flow_name",
          "description": "my flow description",
          "source_id": "0e1b33f-6cfb-423e-b777-23efe0f539f4",
          "format": "urn:x-nmos:format:video"
        "post": {
          "id": "b58aae65-1913-4f7b-aae2-2377446dd639",
          "label": "my_flow_name",
          "description": "my flow description",
          "source_id": "0e1b33f-6cfb-423e-b777-23efe0f539f4",
          "format": "urn:x-nmos:format:video"
        "path": "e759c3f0-8eed-4344-932a-5eb1c40a2d41",
        "pre": {
          "id": "e759c3f0-8eed-4344-932a-5eb1c40a2d41",
          "label": "another_flow_name",
          "description": "another flow description",
          "source_id": "d7f43929-30c7-4847-a0f8-0242b82002d8",
          "format": "urn:x-nmos:format:audio"
        "post": {
          "id": "e759c3f0-8eed-4344-932a-5eb1c40a2d41",
          "label": "another_flow_name",
          "description": "another flow description",
          "source_id": "d7f43929-30c7-4847-a0f8-0242b82002d8",
          "format": "urn:x-nmos:format:audio"

Handling Query Parameters

Websocket subscriptions support query parameters in the same way as the corresponding REST API endpoints. Care should be taken to ensure that clients are informed when resources begin to or no longer match a given query parameter. For example:

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